Creamy Meets Dreamy: Egg Stuffed Avocado

Combine the power of avocados and eggs to create a dish that is ideal, for starting your day with a healthy breakfast enjoying a leisurely brunch or even indulging in a light dinner. The creaminess of the avocado pairs beautifully with the richness of a baked egg, making Egg Stuffed Avocado that’s not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to make!


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 4 fresh eggs
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional toppings: feta cheese, olives, chives, or red pepper flakes


  • Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  • Prep the Avocado: Begin by halving the avocados and taking out the pits. Scoop a bit of the avocado flesh, from each half making sure to create an indentation that can accommodate the egg.
  • Add the Egg: Gently break an egg into each half of the avocado. If the egg white spills over don’t worry. Just make sure the yolk stays intact, in the middle.
  • Season: Sprinkle some salt and pepper onto each avocado thats filled with an egg. You can also add any toppings if you’d like.
  • Bake: Put the avocados in a baking dish so that they stay upright. Pop them into the oven that you’ve already preheated and let them bake for 12 20 minutes depending on how you like your eggs. Whether you prefer them runny or set.
  • Serve and Enjoy: After baking take them out of the oven. Allow them to cool for a moment. If you prefer you can add some toppings for garnish before serving away.

Can I Add Other Fillings to My Egg Stuffed Avocado?

Absolutely! The Egg Stuffed Avocado is already delicious. You can make it more exciting, by adding toppings such, as crispy bacon bits, diced tomatoes, fresh chives or a sprinkle of cheese. Feel free to get creative and customize it according to your preferences.

Is This Dish Suitable for a Keto Diet?

Absolutely! Egg Stuffed Avocado is definitely keto friendly. The two primary components of this dish have carbohydrates. Are rich, in healthy fats, which makes it a perfect option, for individuals who adhere to a ketogenic diet.

Is It OK To Eat Avocado With Eggs?

Absolutely! Combining Egg Stuffed Avocado is not only a culinary delight but also a nutritional powerhouse. Avocado and eggs are both incredibly nutritious. Contain fats, making them an ideal combination, for a well rounded meal.

Creamy Meets Dreamy: Egg Stuffed Avocado

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: 20 minutesRest time: 5 minutesTotal time: 35 minutesServings:2 servingsCalories:250 kcal Best Season:Spring


Dive into the creamy, nutritious world of Egg Stuffed Avocado! A perfect blend of healthy fats and proteins, it’s a breakfast delight.



  1. Start by preheating your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Begin by halving the avocados and taking out the pits. Scoop a bit of the avocado flesh, from each half making sure to create an indentation that can accommodate the egg.
  3. Gently break an egg into each half of the avocado. If the egg white spills over don’t worry. Just make sure the yolk stays intact, in the middle.
  4. Sprinkle some salt and pepper onto each avocado thats filled with an egg. You can also add any toppings if you’d like.
  5. Put the avocados in a baking dish so that they stay upright. Pop them into the oven that you’ve already preheated and let them bake for 12 20 minutes depending on how you like your eggs. Whether you prefer them runny or set.
  6. After baking take them out of the oven. Allow them to cool for a moment. If you prefer you can add some toppings for garnish before serving away.


  • To add a burst of flavor you can sprinkle an amount of salt and pepper on the avocado before placing the egg on top. If you’re feeling inclined to try something a touch of paprika or cayenne pepper can bring in a spicy element!
Keywords:Egg Stuffed Avocado, Egg Stuffed Avocado recipe, keto Egg Stuffed Avocado

How Do You Put An Egg in an Avocado?

Preparing an Egg Stuffed Avocado is quite easy. Start by cutting the avocado in half and taking out the pit. Scoop out a portion of the avocado flesh to make room, for the egg. Carefully crack an egg into the hollow making sure that the yolk is positioned in the middle. Next bake it until the egg reaches your desired level of doneness.

Are Eggs and Avocado Healthy Together?

Absolutely they definitely are! When you mix the proteins found in eggs with the fats and fibers, from avocados within an Egg Stuffed Avocado dish you end up with an well rounded meal. It’s a choice to kickstart your day or enjoy as a nourishing snack.

Final Thought

The beauty of the Egg Stuffed Avocado lies not just in its delightful taste, but also in its versatility. Whether you’re indulging in a Sunday brunch looking for a protein filled pick me up after a workout or simply longing for a nourishing snack this recipe has it all. The smooth and velvety avocado, paired with the oozing yolk creates a medley of tastes thats difficult to turn down.

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